VT Black Alumni Society
The work of developing a Black Alumni Society began around 2002 with a small group of dedicated alumni. In the ensuing years, there have been a number of conversations, committees, updates, and efforts to activate the society. Even with the best of efforts and intentions the work never resulted in an active and lasting society.
At the 2019 Black Alumni Summit the dream was renewed. Thus a small enthusiastic and committed group of alumni agreed to again review the old documents, update them, and present them for review by the Black Hokie community.
On June 28, 2021 after two years of planning, the Black Alumni Society Steering Committee delivered the framework, timeline, and structure for a formalized Black Alumni Society.
A virtual election took place during the summer of 2021 and officers were installed at the virtual Black Alumni Summit in August 2021.
The officers then spent the next two years building the framework of the Society that included writing and adopting by-laws, creating standard operating procedures, defining its mission, delivering programs to engage alumni, and developing a strategic plan to ensure growth and long-term sustainability.
In 2023, BAS appointed a Board of Directors and established BAS as a 501c3 non-profit.
“We are not makers of history. We are made by history.”
Martin Luther King Jr.
Mission & Purpose
The Virginia Tech Black Alumni Society strives to provide an organized network for Black alumni and students to facilitate engagement through social activities, professional development, networking, mentoring, and advocacy.